Other Municipal Agencies

Town of Worthington: Recorder

Recorder: Sandy Hulsey
Phone: 304-287-2238
Fax: 304-287-2238
Town of Worthington
PO Box 265
Worthington, WV 26591

Town of Worthington: Sewer System

The Town of Worthington Sewer System has a plant operator and a sewer board. The Chairman of the Sewer Boad is the Town of Worthington Mayor. The Sewer Board consists of two Town Council appointments. One for a two year term. The other for a three year term. The Sanitary board is subject to all restrictions and limitations contained in Article 13 of Chapter 16 of the WV Code.

Sanitary Board duties include:

  • Oversee the operation of the Sewer System and Plant.
  • Make and enter into agreements and contracts.
  • Approve disbursements and funds.
Plant Operator: Mike Tichnell
Chairman of the Sewer Board: Sandra Husley
Sewer Board Member: Paul Prince (3 year term)
Sewer Board Member: Millard Mackey (2 year term)