Town of Fayetteville: Mayor's Office
The Town of Fayetteville is structured and operates under the Manager-Mayor Plan specified in West Virginia Code. Chapter 8 of the
West Virginia Code, particularly §8-3-2 specifies the roles and responsibilities of the Mayor.
The Mayor is elected at large by the qualified voters of the Town of Fayetteville.
The Mayor is a member and presiding officer of the Council.
Additional duties and limitations of the Mayor are further specified in the Town Charter.
Phone: 304-574-0101
Fax: 304-574-4666
Term: 4 years
Town of Fayetteville
Mayor's Office
125 North Court Street
Fayetteville, WV 25840
Town of Fayetteville: Town Council
The Town of Fayetteville is structured and operates under the Manager-Mayor Plan specified in West Virginia Code. Chapter 8 of the
West Virginia Code, particularly §8-3-2 specifies the roles and responsibilities of the Council.
- The Council will contain no less the five members but no more than eleven members
elected at large or by wards, or both, by the qualified voters of the Town of Fayetteville.
The Mayor is elected at large by the qualified voters of the Town of Fayetteville, who then serves as the presiding officer of the Council.
- The Council is charged with appointing the City Manager.
- The Council is the
governing body for the Town of Fayetteville.
- The Council supervises the City Manager.
Additional duties and limitations of the Council are further specified in the Town Charter.
Phone: 304-574-0101
Fax: 304-574-4666
Term: 4 years
Town of Fayetteville
Town Council
125 North Court Street
Fayetteville, WV 25840
Sharon Cruikshank
Council Members
Lori Tabit
Stanley Boyd
Gabe Pena
Okey Skidmore
Zenda Vance
Chief of Police
David Kinzer